Humans are social creatures; we find comfort and solace when we are with others. Well, most humans anyway. In addition to this social aspect, we often find more opportunities for work in urban areas. This, in part, has led to the urbanization of America and people continue to flock to our cities.
While this is understandable, it has led to some interesting developments in terms of how we interact. In New York City, for example, it feels like everyone around you has their own little cone of privacy. Millions of people all walking around inside their own little bubble, not making eye contact, or attention buried in some electronic device. This may be a necessary part of high density living; a mechanism by which we can retain some measure of privacy in a sea of humanity.
It feels good to be able to pop that bubble and just feel a connectedness with the world around us. To do that, it is helpful to find a place with fewer people around us, a place where we can let our guard down and let the world in. Some of these places have the added benefit of being wide open; landscapes so vast they help us achieve a level of humility as we appreciate the scale of the world we live in.
West Texas offers the opportunity for this type of sojourn, and if you look for an open space in your state you will probably be able to find one. Go ahead, get out and pop the bubble; it offers a satisfying and refreshing time to let your guard down and just be.